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A Mother's Day Wish

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mama’s, step mama’s, grandma’s, great grandma’s. To those who have lost their mama, and to those who wish to be a mama.

And to you, my friend, I wanted to share a few words that spoke to my heart this past weekend. They shifted my perspective, and I hope they serve you well, too.

Brave moms raise brave kids. Words spoken by the lovely, talented, Jen Hatmaker.

Let me say that, again. Brave moms raise brave kids.

That hit me hard, struck me to my core. And as I watched Jen Hatmaker pour her heart out about leading your family during a hard season (RisexLive, it was epic), I put my hand over my heart and I listened, hard.

In that moment, I felt as if she was speaking only to me, although I know tens of thousands of women and men were tuning in.

Brave moms raise brave kids.

As I’ve had a chance to reflect on the words she shared, the feelings she stirred inside of me, I’m doing life a little differently this week, and from here on out.

I’m saying yes more often. I’m reaching for joy and making memories. When my kids want to play outside first thing, all jammies and bare feet, yes. You want to go jump in the puddles? Yes. Two story fort, ummm, sure. Picnic outside, absolutely.

And I’m reflecting on my own childhood. Thinking back to the times I grew as a person, when life was messy, when loss was present. Yes, there were some hard seasons; but dang, I came out the other side stronger, more connected, more centered. Each and every time. And for the first time since this whole quarantine thing started, I’ve felt in my soul that my girls are, too, right here in this season.

During her keynote, Jen encouraged us invite our kids to be part of the solution. As a result, I’m partnering with my kids more to create a rhythm in our home. My hubby is an essential worker, he’s gone more than he’s home, and his schedule is all over the place. It changes each week, and many times it shifts more than once. So these kids and I, we create the rhythm.

And my kids, your kids, they are smart, so, so smart. They have big thoughts. Even during this time of pause, even when they are grieving the very real losses they are experiencing; that we are experiencing. It was a reminder that I don’t need to be supermom, I just need to be me, a heart-centered mom, a mom who creates space for her kiddos, a mom who asks questions.

So this Mother’s Day, I wish you the gift of grace, and I hope you show up brave. Not perfect, not having it all together, not trying to be everything to protect them from this very real season. Brave. For yourself, and for those babies. This is one we’ll never forget.


A special shout out to all the women in my life. Thank you for showing up and loving on me and my little family, especially during this time of social distancing. I am so, so thankful for you. And to my mama, you are the definition of brave. Thank you for teaching me, for showing me, how to take one brave step, and then another. I appreciate you.

If you have never heard of Jen Hatmaker, or simply wish to learn more about her, check out her website. It has all her info, her latest book, her amazing podcast. She is a voice for good in this world.

Also, if you are interested in attending RisexLive, you can still grab a ticket to catch the replay.

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