An Open Letter to the Makers of Magic, the Mamas, *
I see you, and your beautifully decorated tree. Your matching holiday outfits. Your lists upon lists upon lists. Pulling all the strings. Making all the memories. Planning. And wrapping. And baking. And hosting.
You, my friend, deserve so much credit. You. Are. Amazing.
This time of year, your roles, your responsibilities, they grow exponentially. And your kids, bless your kids… on a sugar-high, taking in all the ‘wisdom’ from their peers at school, on the bus. Even the kind, well-meaning dental tech who shares her childhood ‘tradition’ of making a LIST for Santa during your 5yo’s routine exam and cleaning. A LIST?! Your child wants one, maybe two things MAX and you’re suggesting a freaking LIST?! Longhand style and mailed to the North Pole?! Yep, you’re even navigating THAT with grace. The warm, knowing smile you give that kind lady as you think of a way to cause a distraction that will not end in tears and blood as she pokes inside your child’s mouth. And the long conversation home with your little one. Oh, bless.
And you bring everything, everyone, together; as the event planner, the personal shopper, the photographer, the public relations expert, the caterer, the interior decorator, the deep cleaning professional, the nanny (with a British accent, no less), the mind reader, the secret keeper, the nurse, the kindness police, the counselor, the mediator, the accountant, the chauffeur, the logistics manager, the snack-packer, the say-er of NO. Heck, you are even RUDOLF at times, flying in all stealth-like with last minute goodness. Or any combination thereof.
Forget the ‘big guy in the red suit,’ the true hero is you.
My wish for you, for us, this season and for seasons to come…

Slow down.
Let go of perfect, good is good enough.
Say no, then say it again. Except when they offer to help, take them up on that.
And fill your heart with gratitude and love for yourself, your body, your spirit. You are a freaking rock star, a true maker of magic, a real get-things-done-er. Please, please take a moment to recognize.
Thank you for thinking ALL the thoughts, planning ALL the things, for bringing joy and hope and love to those around you, and for cultivating a memorable holiday experience for your family.
I sit with you, girl, feet up, coffee in-hand, to pause and savor all that we are, the good we bring into the world, the wonderful things in our life.
With so much love,
P-S- A special shout out to my mom, my stepmom, my mom’s mom, my dad’s mom, my husband’s mom, my husband’s grandmother… ALL of whom are [were] remarkable, REMARKABLE women. Hosting all the things. Creating the most magical of memories, even during the hard times. And making me [and my family] feel so dang loved. So. Much. Appreciation.
* And to the dads out there (my hubby included!), doing all the things to make the holiday super special while loving your family well… hats off to you.