Welcoming a new season. My FAVORITE season… Fall. It’s a magical time of year. The crisp air and changing leaves; sweaters and bonfires. Oh, and MUMS… I love me some mums!
For a few years now, I’ve been intentional in welcoming each new season. I carve out space to reflect, prioritize and set intentions – with coffee in-hand. In fact, I did this last week, with my first pumpkin spice coffee (basic, I know), on my porch, in my favorite adirondack chair. This year, I wanted to pull the curtain back and share with you what that looks like, in case you’re interested in starting this practice.
So, here it goes...

I start by reflecting on past seasons - in this case, past Autumns. I think back to my favorite memories, traditions and adventures; the feelings I experienced and those I wish to cultivate. And I jot them down. [Pictured is my FAV tradition, circa 2018 - CARVING PUMPKINS!]
Next, I think about the people I want to spend time with and the places I’m most grateful for.
Then, I brainstorm what I wish to cultivate in the next few months and chose a word that best represents it. This Fall, my word is TRIBE.
After I claim my word, I switch gears to PRIORITIZE. I begin by jotting down the things I’m NOT going to do. As a people pleaser (recovering, can I get a hallelujah!), this is EVERYTHING! It’s the perfect way for me to let things go. I tend to want to do ALL the things, and what I’ve learned is that less is more. This is my way of giving myself permission to choose LESS.
Next, I list out the things I will say (yell, really) yes to - the things that bring me the most joy.
And finally, I map out the months ahead. As a planner, this is my FAVORITE part of the process. To do so, I pencil in my focus areas for each month. September includes things like celebrating my anniversary (7 years!), a special (and free!) mommy + me day with my littlest at our local fair, and developing an e-course to grow my business and enhance the value I bring to my TRIBE (see what I did there?!).
If you want to join me in this process, below is a FREE 2-page guide just for you! Along with a few pics of my completed guide to jumpstart your progress. Check it out!