As a child, one of my favorite holiday traditions was heading to my grandmother’s house the afternoon of Christmas to celebrate and play with cousins. Some of my fondest memories were arriving early to help my grandmother prepare. My tasks included folding napkins and setting multiple tables (for the 20+ guests) – looking back, I was really learning how to host, plan, cook and most importantly celebrate life with loved ones. My Gram was an amazing teacher and role model.

In this season of life, my favorite tradition is hosting a dinner with our loved ones – parents and grandparents – celebrating our relationship and all we mean to each other. In year’s past, we would go out to a nice restaurant for drinks and dinner, and then come back to our home for dessert and coffee. This year, we are changing it up and hosting the entire thing at our home. In fact, it is THIS weekend. And without the travel to and from a restaurant, we’ll add music to the mix – playing bluegrass music with the fire crackling, my girl’s dancing and smiles all around.
Intentional gatherings have been on my mind lately, and I recently asked a group of ladies about their favorite holiday traditions. As a result, we’ll be making new memories with a family drive to look at Christmas lights in our pjs, with cozy snacks and drinks in hand. I’m so excited for this new idea (thanks Melissa!).
Which leads me to ask… what is your favorite holiday tradition, past and/or present?
Katie is author of the newly released Courage: A Journal to Explore Your Bold, Brave Spirit. She is a wife and mom to two beautiful daughters, ages 4 & 1. To learn more, visit And remember to shop small this holiday to support entrepreneurs in your community. Katie's journals make a wonderful gift, with space for a personalized message on the inside cover!