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Laura Rudacille

A Woman-in-Progress

“Do one thing every day that scares you.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt


Honestly, I’d rather not... but as a Woman-in-Progress I’ve come to understand not every heart pounding moment of unease is a lurking toothy T-Rex of doom. Many of my fear moments ~nervousness, awkwardness, or discomfort were actually obstacles between me and my possibility...between me and my Becoming.

I’ve worked in the salon industry for more than thirty years. Immersed in candid sharing, I’ve had a front row seat to the human experience providing insight into the perseverance and resilience of our spirit and I am encouraged.

Driven to share, I made an intentional shift toward personal growth and fullness. On Purpose with Purpose, I cultivated active thought partnering with women.

Stronger together we opened our hearts and exposed our vulnerability as we embraced healing through the power of connection and community.

I began to see many avenues of invitation and exhilarating pathways to my Becoming.

I’ve learned to embrace the trembling knee hesitation of my momentary scare when it arrives in my day. A pause rather than a startling stop and flee at warp speed in the opposite direction.

My hesitation created an opportunity to look at the T-Rex long enough to see he was smiling and pointing his tiny arms in the direction of hope and opportunity.

I encourage you to notice your bubble of fear and pause long enough to feel the breeze that lifts and carries it.

Remind yourself of a moment when fear looked like excitement... a thrill ride, or a rollercoaster.

Recall how your heart moved in your chest as a crush expanded toward true love.

Remember the freedom as your removed the training wheels, stepped into trust of self, and pedaled those first wobbling glorious feet.

Embracing your SCARE... strap into the seat, toss your arms in the air, feel the flush in your cheeks and quickening of your breath, find your balance and lift your eyes to the distance with hope, joy and the mounting fullness of Your Possibility.

“It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It’s not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for.”                 

~ Benjamin E Mays

Although SCARE will never be the first item on my to-do list I’m open to a new portrayal of my fear. Overcoming begins with our language. If “scare” works for you, fantastic. If not, give yourself a fresh pen and decide to shift your power with another word.

What word would change your stop sign or flee response and create a pause of possibility?

What word would crack open the door toward an avenue of a bubbling joy? 

I encourage you to seek the women who enrich you. Connect with them on Purpose with Purpose. Uplift one another and stand shoulder to shoulder as you face every ginning T-Rex.

Step in and know scare can be what you choose to see when you discover the courage to look.

We are Women in Progress and We are Becoming.

 ~Chat soon, Laura Rudacille


Bio :

Laura Rudacille is an author, premier member of the Women’s Speakers Association, and creator of Awakening Goddess Retreats.

Thirty years in the salon industry taught Laura the value of good listening and human connection. As women shared their experiences navigating the highs and lows of everyday life a root of commonality was exposed.

Inspired, Laura published her novel Invisible Woman and expanded her vision to include workshops and destination retreats uniting and encouraging women to Connect on Purpose with Purpose. Her thought-partnering insight and candid humor sheds light on our similarities and infuses positivity and possibility into every moment.

Discover more at and join the Conversation LIVE on Facebook Sunday evenings at 7:45 PM EST in her private group for women’s enrichment the AGR Hen House. 

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