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Katie Caples

An Interview with Anne Druck: A New Beginning

Anne, you're embarking on a big transition - after 25+ years of leadership with the York County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, you have been named CEO and Executive Director of the United Way of York County… congratulations!

Q: If you could sum up how you are feeling in three words, what would they be?

Appreciation, Excitement, Joy.

Q: This moment reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Gabby Bernstein:

The present moment is an opportunity for bright new beginnings.

How does this resonate with you?

Gabby’s words remind me of similar quotes that I admire from Lao Tzu and Emerson…

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the moment.

- Lao Tzu

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Focusing on the present and the possibilities for opportunities with a positive outlook and energy speaks to me.

Q: What has surprised you the most during the transition?

This was posed to me during the United Way of York County interview process. The process didn’t surprise me as much as it reaffirmed what I already knew … “I am not a solo act, I am a team player.”

I enjoy playing sports. It's great for the mind, body and soul to exert, compete and cooperate with other team members and have fun. Our community competes with other destinations for lucrative tourism dollars. To be effective, the YCCVB relies on teamwork from business leaders as volunteers, cooperative elected officials as advocates, dedicated professionals as staff and collaborative partners as members. It is an honor to represent York County, our tourism industry and YCCVB members for over ¼ century. The significant economic successes and milestones realized are a direct result of team work.

My daughter says, “teamwork makes the dream work." As you can imagine, the interview process was a confidential one. This created challenges because I could not rely on my work family to assist. But challenges can be blessings that help you grow. The process required me to rely on a new group of confidential advisors. I am blessed that several folks were willing to give of their talents and share their expertise to advise me during this process.

Q: Why is this news bittersweet?

It is a blessing to turn over the leadership reins at the YCCVB to a capable staff and board. On May 3rd the YCCVB board unanimously approved Laura Gurreri as our acting president. Laura has spearheaded the tremendous success we have experienced attracting youth sport events to our community that generate millions in spending annually. During the transition, I am witness to the YCCVB staff led by Laura and our board led by our chair, Mark Sindicich, embrace the transition and plan for a bright future.

I am fortunate to have this opportunity to represent our community with another York County anchor institution.

It is amazing to see the commonalities between Bob Woods’s leadership at the UWYC and mine at the YCCVB. Since we have led our organizations for over ¼ century and started at critical times, we both have some interesting stories to tell. I have enjoyed listening to Bob’s stories about the teamwork that has propelled our United Way to be a model organization in our state.

Q: For women who are feeling called to make a change, what advice would you give them?

I’d pass along advice shared with me from two very wise women, with whom I call friends…

You have to stay relevant.

- Representative Bev Mackereth

If you aren’t green and growing, you are ripe and rotting.

- Julie Poland

With their powerful advice, I learned that branching out of my comfort zone is an opportunity to have even greater impact here in my community.

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